
Monday, October 10, 2011

a lot of shifting going on

There were more than a few times last week at work that I just wanted to cry. Or yell. Or sit in my car and blast 90s music, heavy on the Wallflowers, until my blood pressure returned to normal human levels. Maybe I did all three...

I hated that each day left me feeling like I had survived, but not much else. It really bothered me that I was letting work affect me as much as it was, and so I decided to squash that nonsense before it got out of hand.

It's amazing what a restful weekend, family time and getting enough sleep and exercise can do for a major attitude shift. Today was like I had a new job or something. It was a great day; full of getting things done, some quiet alone time at lunch, a long run by the river and a free cupcake at dinner, win!

These 2 pieces of Jeremiah have been with me all day today, reminding me to continue seeking rest in the mundane parts of life.

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
-jeremiah 29:11

For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.
-jeremiah 31:25

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