
Thursday, November 26, 2009

it's thankgsiving time

Well the most gluttonous day of the American year has come and is almost over. We had my dad's side of the family over for lunch and spent the day talking, playing games, watching the Muppets and laughing.

I have always been a fan of this fall holiday, mostly because as a kid my cousins and I spent the day in the playroom or outside and-our favorite-spying on the adults.(We went through a big spying phase after we saw Harriet the Spy...) It brings back some great memories and today was no let down.

I say over and over how weird my family is, but I am so, so thankful for all of them. My two year old cousin Evelyn is growing up so fast and was running around everywhere and was talking everyone's ears off today. My aunts are so much fun and all make me laugh so much. And anytime I need a self-esteem boost I should go see my Grandma, because she says the sweetest things and can give anyone the warm fuzzies.

In the spirit of the holiday, here is a list of several other things I am very thankful for, some serious and some novel...

*my Mom and Dad, who always took my sister and I on vacations around the US, to Sunday school and VBS, came to our assorted recitals/competitions/games/concerts over the years and helped us both through college. They also didn't get cable or satellite at the house for 21 years, which I think had everything to do with how much we read.

*my sister, who I am convinced I share a brain with. I love when we say the same thing at the exact same time or when I ask for the "thing" and she comes with precisely what I was talking about. There are inside jokes we laugh about from so long ago I don't remember where they started. My very first memories are from when Bethany was a baby. She is so much smarter than me in some ways.

*my friends who keep me sane. I made some of the best friends while I was at UT, through living in the dorms, Young Life, TVC and going on break trips. I am so happy to be able to look back and remember all of the fun/weird things I have done with them over these 4 years.

*the little things like pictures from Australia to remind me it WAS real, being in America, Jodie Picoult books, my recycling pajama pants, Wifi, "dad" humor, our front porch and seeing the mountains, good coffee/tea and music with a message.

My sister's list goes like this:
Cereal, pajamas, family, warm house, that I didn't keep the freshman 15, roadtrips, online shopping, Christmas, traditions and musicals.

My parent's list goes like this:
That Melissa is home from Australia (ha ha ha), my dad'd new job and church family, Melissa and Bethany (of course), house is paid off/no debt and family!

Happy Thanksgiving friends!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

the end is here

Well my grand Australian adventure ends in the morning. Well, its so early in the morning it could still be classified as nighttime.

I am taking a bus from Canberra at 4am to Sydney, where my plane leaves for the US at 11:20. Apparently we might not de-plane in LA because it's only a crew change and re-fuel stop, in which case I will not be a happy camper. From there I will arrive in Atlanta around 3, take off again at 5 and hopefully be home by 6. Whewwww! I'm taking lots of my Drammamine and hope to be asleep (and not airsick) most of the time.

This has been one of the most beneficial things I have ever done in my life. I'm sure over the coming weeks that stories will be spilling out like crazy. I have no idea where to start when people ask me "How was Australia?" other than descriptive adjectives that seem so overused by now. I can't sum up my experience in just a few sentences. I'm sure that I will get my mind wrapped around it sooner or later and will come up with something very eloquent!

I'm excited to see everyone I miss from the States! Although, I wish they could just all join me here instead, haha! Last post from the far side of the world! More from the States!