
Sunday, November 16, 2008

only time will tell

HOW is it already almost Thanksgiving? Does time just fly when you are having fun...or have I really been procrastinating that bad? Because somehow this semester is almost OVER!

As I am looking at all the days I have crossed off my calendar, the words of a Jimmy Buffett song echo around my brain.

Some of the words of this rather legit song go like this:

Is it the answer or just a suggestion?
Is love what we truly want or merely a protection?
Is this music made to last or crumble like a shell?
Is there Heaven here on Earth or is this really Hell?

Only time will tell, if I am right or I am wrong
Only time will tell, is there a message in this song
Will it ever make sense, will it ever ring a bell?
Only time will tell

So what I'm feeling like Jimmy is telling me is to not try and figure everything out because only time can tell what I am supposed to be doing with my life. Will it ever make sense? That's my question. Jimmy says only time will tell and he has yet to steer me wrong.

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